A l’Escola Oficial de patinatge, els nostres alumnes no només vénen per aprendre a patinar, sinó per
At the Official Skating School, our students not only come to learn to skate, but to improve on many other aspects such as health and well-being.
Skating is a very complete physical activity that brings a myriad of benefits both physically and mentally.
Many times, we start our skating sessions without proper warm-up and this can lead to injuries in the short to medium term, especially in people without great physical condition.
Keep in mind that when we skate we use muscles and make movements that we do not normally use or perform in daily life, so even if you are a person in good physical condition, it is important to perform a series of exercises in parallel. lela in our sessions with the skates.
For this reason, our director and great athlete Toni Pla illustrates in this video, how to warm up properly before starting our skating session and what exercises are ideal to tone our body and adapt it to the movements of skating .
If you want to learn to skate with all the guarantees with the best teachers, do not hesitate to come to our classes.